Kid’s Clothing Archives - Avant Mongolian Cashmere Thu, 31 Oct 2024 20:39:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kid’s Clothing Archives - Avant 32 32 210852966 From the ancient art of Latin America to wool products: the new 2025 collection of Avant Cashmere hats and scarves Wed, 23 Oct 2024 22:10:18 +0000 As a designer at Avant Cashmere, my creative journey is always inspired by the history and art of a unique culture. During a trip to Chile a few months ago, I had the opportunity to learn about the art and history of the ancient Aztec and Peruvian civilizations. I was amazed by their bright colors, […]

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As a designer at Avant Cashmere, my creative journey is always inspired by the history and art of a unique culture. During a trip to Chile a few months ago, I had the opportunity to learn about the art and history of the ancient Aztec and Peruvian civilizations. I was amazed by their bright colors, intricate patterns, and the way they connected with nature. This impression left a deep impression on my mind and made me want to incorporate it into my next collection.

B. Epic
Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile
Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art

Designs inspired by Peruvian and Aztec culture

The 2025 Avant Cashmere collection of hats and scarves combines the artistic patterns of these ancient civilizations with the warmth of Mongolian wool. The designs feature bold geometric patterns from the Aztecs and intricate depictions of Peruvian art. All the works tell different stories and give you a sense of time travel.

The strong, square pattern on the black and white combination represents the Aztecs’ connection to the cosmos and the elements of nature. These motifs evoke the labyrinthine adventures of life and reflect the Aztec concept of the continuous cycle of life.

But the white and yellow combination contains soft, but clearly bright patterns. They are reminiscent of the spiral lines and circles that are common in Peruvian art. Circles symbolize the cycle of life and the energy of nature, while geometric patterns represent the harmony between humanity and nature.

Avant Kids collection

We also launched the Avant Kids collection for the little ones. These hats and scarves are decorated with sun and spiral motifs, inspired by Peruvian rock carvings. In ancient civilizations, the sun was a symbol of life and warmth, and children’s designs reflect this. The combination of warm beige and natural brown colors will keep you close to nature and create a warm feeling.

Integrating cultures

Through these designs, I wanted to introduce Avant users to the cultural richness of distant Latin America, including the lifestyle and artistic heritage of the ancient Aztec and Peruvian peoples. This collection combines the warm qualities of Mongolian wool and the strong historical patterns of Latin America.

Peru and the Aztecs: Owners of a Great Art and Cultural Heritage

The indigenous people of Peru have developed their own unique culture and customs over the centuries. Their most famous civilization is the Inca Empire, which was one of the largest empires in the world during the 15th century. Also, the famous Nazca lines in southern Peru are one of the largest cultural monuments of the ancient Peruvians, giant geometric shapes that stretch for tens of kilometers. These lines represent their deep respect for nature and the cosmos, and their arts and crafts were also closely related to the cycle of life and nature.

Natives of Peru
Nazca lines

The Aztecs were a powerful Mesoamerican civilization that existed in central Mexico between the 14th and 16th centuries. The Aztecs were known for their advanced architecture and artwork. Their art featured strong, bold motifs that included nature, space, and religious symbols, often using geometric figures, animal carvings, and natural elements. The lifestyle and beliefs of the Aztecs are embedded in their artwork.

Aztec animal pattern
Water Deity (Chalchiuhtlicue)

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Хүүхдийн малгай ороолт хос


Avant Kids Азтек Хээтэй Малгай Ороолт – 60% ноос, 40% акрил утсаар хийгдсэн, хоёр давхар сүлжмэл Жаккард сүлжээсээр урласан. Энэ загвар нь угаалгын машинд угаах боломжтой тул арчилгаа хийхэд хялбар. Малгайн дотор талд даавуун оруулга хийж өгсөн нь дулаан хадгалахаас гадна, хэт халууцуулахгүй, хөлөргөхгүй давуу талтай. Салхи, хүйтнээс нүүр болон толгойг хамгаалахаас гадна, хүүхдийн арьсанд […]

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Азтек малгай ороолт 3 хос

 179,900.00 199,900.00

Азтек малгай ороолт 3 хос 60% ноос 40% акрилк хольцтой Монгол ноосоор cүлжсэн, өдөр тутмын хэрэгцээнд тохиромжтой, энгийн малгай. Өнгө: хар/цагаан цөлийн шар/цагаан Өвлийн гурвалсан хослол бөгөөд малгай, ороолт, гарын гэсэн гурван хэсгээс бүрдэнэ. Энэ загвар нь эртний Ацтек соёлын геометрийн хээ угалзаас сэдэвлэсэн дүрслэлтэй бөгөөд хар болон цагаан өнгийн хослол, мөн шаргал, цагаан өнгийн […]

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Нандин дурсамжийн биелэл буюу судалтай ретуз бүтсэн түүх Mon, 16 Sep 2019 03:42:47 +0000 Эргээд бодоход сэтгэлд хамгийн нандин дурсамжууд хүүхэд насных байдаг. Тэр үеийн юм бүхэн юутай ч харьцуулшгүй үнэ цэнтэй. Хэдхэн долоо хоногийн өмнө юу идсэнээ санадаггүй хэрнээ олон жилийн өмнө хүүхэд байхдаа хэнтэй, юу хийж, юу мэдэрч байснаа тодхон санадаг нь сонирхолтой. Амт, үнэр, өнгө гээд бусдаасаа онцгой тэр л дурсамжуудыг үгүйлэн санагалзаж, дахиад нэг удаа […]

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Эргээд бодоход сэтгэлд хамгийн нандин дурсамжууд хүүхэд насных байдаг. Тэр үеийн юм бүхэн юутай ч харьцуулшгүй үнэ цэнтэй. Хэдхэн долоо хоногийн өмнө юу идсэнээ санадаггүй хэрнээ олон жилийн өмнө хүүхэд байхдаа хэнтэй, юу хийж, юу мэдэрч байснаа тодхон санадаг нь сонирхолтой. Амт, үнэр, өнгө гээд бусдаасаа онцгой тэр л дурсамжуудыг үгүйлэн санагалзаж, дахиад нэг удаа ч болов мэдрэх хүсэл эрхгүй төрнө. Сэтгэлд дотно тэдгээр дурсамжийг дахин амилуулдаг увдистнуудын нэг бол хувцас. 

Од бүтээгдэхүүн болсон нь

СУДАЛТАЙ РЭТУЗ /kids leggings/

 59,880.00 85,080.00

ноос 60% акрилк 40% биеийн хэмжээгээр чөлөөтөй сунана 2 давхар утсаар сүлжсэн

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