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Author - Avant Mongolia

New models will be released in May

Along with the arrival of spring, Avant Clothing Co. is releasing new models as part of a limited collection Our new jacquard and striped mesh designs are on trend for 2024 and can be styled for a variety of everyday looks.Short sleeve shirt The striped...

What color is right for me?

Determining your skin tone requires expanding your understanding of color. Not only our skin, but in general all colors have their own undertones and are generally classified as warm and cold. Determining undertones is not the same as determining skin tone, but learning the difference...

Is defining your skin tone important to your outfit?

On this blog, I will give you a little advice on how to correctly determine your skin color. First of all, before deciding whether red, green or blue clothes will suit you, it is right to determine what color and undertone group you belong to....

Mongolian wool: How much do we know about it?

To this day, one of the most valuable resources we have is raw materialsused for our day to day clothes. The finest raw materials are cotton, wool, cashmere, and silk.Woollen and cashmere garments are some of the most expensive pieces produced by renowned brands all...

Нандин дурсамжийн биелэл буюу судалтай ретуз бүтсэн түүх

Эргээд бодоход сэтгэлд хамгийн нандин дурсамжууд хүүхэд насных байдаг. Тэр үеийн юм бүхэн юутай ч харьцуулшгүй үнэ цэнтэй. Хэдхэн долоо хоногийн өмнө юу идсэнээ санадаггүй хэрнээ олон жилийн өмнө хүүхэд байхдаа хэнтэй, юу хийж, юу мэдэрч байснаа тодхон санадаг нь сонирхолтой. Амт, үнэр, өнгө гээд...